Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Announcement & GEMRALD CITY

OH hey! I had my last final yesterday and I'm not going home until tomorrow so I realized I had time for thrifting + posting... yessssss.

But before I show you my new treasures, I have an announcement: THRIFTY CAKES IS UP FOR SALE! aka I'm starting an Etsy store. There's nothing up yet because I kind of want to wait until I get my new camera for Christmas because then all the pictures will be a whole lot prettier. Anyway, I've already bought a good amount of cool stuff for listing, so stay tuned for updates on that.

Now.... on to the gems. #1: Warm Wool
I have literally worn this coat every day since I got it (last week?) It's 75% wool and 25% fur fiber (whatever that is...) and SO WARM! And yes, that's a real fur collar. But vintage fur = ethical. I'm in love.

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