So I just want to take a moment to personally thank Dolce Vita for making the perfect pair of equestrian boots. They are making my winter that much more warm, dry, comfortable and fashionable. And for $20, these might be one of my very best purchases! (These boots are neither new nor vintage... I got them over the summer at Urban Outfitters.)
PS- Funny story... after I bought these I told my sister she HAD to go buy some in brown cause I noticed they had her size. She was somewhat apathetic about it, since she hadn't previously been a big fan of tall boots, but I pretty much dragged her to UO -- offering to drive and to buy them for her if she wasn't sure she wanted them or not -- finally convincing her that she would never find boots this cool for this price. (They were originally $160!) Well, of course, she now loves them. You're welcome, Bridgey!!~ Can I have yours when they get stretched out and don't fit you anymore? :)
The boot is totally a phallic symbol, taken back and turned around by women in the 21st century.